PAR BLOGERA PAO S 250 METARA VISOKE STIJENE I POGINUO Muž i žena iz Indije putovali su svijetom i svoje doživljaje opisivali na internetu


Dvoje blogera koji su zadnje dvije godine proveli putujući svijetom, tragično su poginuli 24. listopada nakon što su pali s vidikovca u Yosemite nacionalnom parku u SAD-u, piše People.

Vishnu Viswanath (29) i Meenakshi Moorthy (30), bračni par iz Indije, pali su u provaliju duboku oko 250 metara ispod Taft Pointa, kazala je glasnogovornica parka, Jaime Richards.

Taft Point je mjesto gdje je teren vrlo sklizak. To je također vrlo popularno turističko mjesto gdje mnogi dolaze u potrazi za savršenom fotografijom. Turistima je dopušten pristup samomj rubu stijene, no svi se upozoravaju da budu vrlo oprezni jer nema posebnih držača.

Tijela nesretnih blogera izvađena su iz provalije 25. listopada nakon nevjerojatnog truda rendžera parka koji su u pomoć morali pozvati čak i helikopter.

Viswanath i Moorthy svoje su avanture dijelili s korisnicima na Instagramu gdje su imali više od 12.000 pratitelja, a vodili su i blog o putovanjima 'Holidays and Happily Ever Afters'.

Njihov je profil pun veselih i šarenih fotografija koje su nastale na njihovim putovanjima diljem svijeta. Par je naročito volio dramatične fotografije snimljene na vidikovcima pa su se tako slikali i na platformi visoko iznad Grand Canyona. Uz tu su fotografiju napisali: 'Život na rubu'.

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CHASING SUNSETS or CHASING LIKES ??? ... Sooo today on #socialmediabadasstribe we are talking about limits of #doitforthegram.Yeah sure it can be limitless but guys, we reaaaallly need to have boundaries(this is handy as life lessons too but we will revisit that later) A lot of us including yours truly is a fan of daredevilry attempts of standing at the edge of cliffs and skyscrapers, but did you know that wind gusts can be FATAL??? Is our life just worth one photo? ... When we squirm at another selfie attempt gone south from a skyscraper, let’s remember to save that in our core memory and not the memory dump (I am still on the Inside Out train y'all ) Same applies when we get our knickers in a twist and hog a spot till we get the perfect shot I know I know, I am guilty as charged for all of this and if I didn’t have Mr. Two Goody Shoes, Vishnu with me, I am not even sure if I would have written this post. ... Let us all try to be responsible digital citizens and use our “numbers” to be transparent and honest, shall we? None of us is perfect and the more we accept it and share our flaws as much as our wins, we are one step closer to creating a sane social media without the scary brouhahas. ... Still there? Woohoo, a backflip is in order, or wait maybe a pizza? What about a unicorn ice-cream with some Disney-approved cotton candy and pixie dust infused sprinles if…..IF you could tell me the one time you were effin’ proud of being candid and real AF in social media? ... PS - Not sponsored but sweatshirt is from @radearthsupply #grandcanyonnps #northrim #instagramaz #visitarizona #travelarizona #shotzdelight #discovertheroad #usaroadtrip #visittheusa #outdoorsusa #exploretheusa #womenwhoexplore #iamtb #radparks #thediscoverer #gtgi #sheisnotlost #wearetravelgirls #hikemore #radgirlslife #travelreality #dreamscape @womenwhoexplore @visit_arizona @visittheusa @shotzdelight

Objavu dijeli TravelCreativesMinaxi+Vishnu (@holidaysandhappilyeverafters)

Na svojem blogu psisali su i kako su se u putovanja zaljubili nakon prvog zajedničkog posjeta Maldivima. Nakon toga su nastavili putovati diljem svijeta i pisati blog o svojim avanturama.

Viswanath je bio 'oko' putovanja i uglavnom je radio fotografije, dok je Moorthy bila zadužena za tekstove.

Nakon putovanja po Europi, par je otišao u SAD gdje su nakratko posjetili i New York.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Heylooow incredible people of the Instagram world! Just wanted to let you all know that this account "minaxivishnu" is renamed to “HolidaysandHappilyEverAfters” , in sync with our brand new blog ... Most of you already know this mermaid-haired wanderess Minaxi and her captain Vishnu, but in case some of you missed, we are an NYC based gypsy couple “Consumed by Wanderlust , Compelled by Adventures and Conviction in HappilyEverAfters” I, Minaxi looove to waltz with words and will remain the high-spirited story-teller at our blog and all social media, while Vishnu is the go-to “techie-in-residence” He is also the head photographerof most our pretty pics! (aided and abetted by his mermaid of course ... Diagnosed with the curious case of interminable travel bug as we wander around the world we absolutely love sharing our adventures with this community , and each and every single comment and conversation we share with all of you undeniably makes us a helluva happy bunny ... As much as all social media uses the word followers/subscribers, we hate it and would rather use the word friends or even family, as some of you have quite made a habit of warming the cockles of our heart Sooo, welcome aboard all you dear fabulous friends and wander with us in our happy place of HolidaysAndHappilyEverAfters #travelblog #travelblogger #traveldiaries #newblog #travelogue #expatblogger #blogging #femaletravelbloggers #darlingescapes #sheexplores #welivetoexplore #maketimetoseetheworld #lifewelltravelled #exploringglobe #letsgoeverywhere #instatravel #mytravelaffairs #travelcouple #newyorkcity #nyc_instagram #newyorklike #ig_nycity #igersofnyc #newyork_ig #nyc_highlights #nyc_explorers #timessquare #streetsofnewyork #timeoutnewyork #timeoutsociety

Objavu dijeli TravelCreativesMinaxi+Vishnu (@holidaysandhappilyeverafters)

Osim što je bio bloger, Viswanath je radio i kao inženjer u Ciscu.

'Nismo dali otkaze da bi putovali svijetom, no lagao bih kad bih rekao da nam to nikada nije palo na pamet', rekao je Viswanath.

Njihova posljednja objava na Instagramu bila je ona od 17. listopada kad su bili u posjetu Vermonutu te se slikali na tamošnjem jezeru.

Okolnosti njihove smrti još uvijek se istražuju.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Who else got the memo that balloons are a girl’s best friend? ... Throwing it back to last year when this pink-haired pixie was prancing around a beach in a pretty dress with these picture-perfect balloons gifted by Vish, my wish granter #birthdayanniversarymonth … So June is here aaand Tis the mooost wonderful time of the yeeaaaar (for us anyway ) Tis the hap-happiest month of aWith those anniversary greetings and birthday meetings When wanderlust comes to caall … Cheesy much⁉ But I am a taaaad excited and if any of you are wondering could I BE any more corny, June is reallllly special for us . My birthday and our anniversary falls riiiiight next to each other and we are hitting big milestones this time … Hot Air Ballooning/Sky Diving/Moonlight Sailing, you name it we have done it.And this time continuing the tradition of love, laughter and lunatic adventures, weee are doing a CROSS-COUNTRY ROADTRIP from NYC to CAI aaand topping it off with a visit to the final frontier ALASKA ALASKAAA baby! … I will also admit that it is not always roses and rainbows and this was not our original plan.But when life pelts you with “limes” you try and arrange them into “smile” . (after you have cried your heart out or do whatever it takes to make peace with the situatio) #pinkpositivelight … So now that the thorns and the tears of the tale have been dealt with,who is ready to bring on the sultry stories of sunkissed summers and the intoxicating allure of infinite adventures? #morrobay #hwy1 #morrorock #roadtripusa #visittheusa #discovertheroad #visitcalifornia #californiaholics #sheisnotlost #darlingescapes #dametraveler #ladiesgoneglobal #outdoorsusa #timeoutsociety #speechlessplaces

Objavu dijeli TravelCreativesMinaxi+Vishnu (@holidaysandhappilyeverafters)

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03. siječanj 2025 04:42