VIDEO: ČUDESNA DJEVOJČICA (7) ŽIVI SA SRCEM IZVAN PRSNOG KOŠA Ovaj poremećaj pogađa jednu od milijun beba, doktori su rekli da neće preživjeti


Virsaviya Borun-Goncharova je naizgled poput svake sedmogodišnje djevojčice - voli plesati, crtati i voli ponije. Međutim, ona je sve samo ne poput drugih. Ova je hrabra djevojčica rođena s vrlo rijetkim poremećajem koji pogađa otprilike jednu na milijun beba - njezino se srce razvilo izvan prsnog koša.

Djevojčica boluje od Cantrellove pentalogije, iznimno rijetke urođene bolesti, zbog koje je došlo do kardiovaskularne malformacije. ‘Ovo je moje srce i ja sam jedina koja to ima’, kaže Virsaviya čije se srce jasno može vidjeti kako kuca ispod rebra, prekriveno samo tankim slojem kože.

‘Kad se oblačim, biram mekanu odjeću da ne bih oštetila srce. Hodam, skačem, letim, trčim… Ne bih smjela trčati, ali to jako volim’, kaže Virsaviya.

Do you want to have your #personalJesus? ✝ you can buy one of this"Virsaviya Jesus Riri" #unique #handmade #jesus #dolls from #VirsaviyaWarrior and me- @dariborun - @fit_thick_riri you can dm me or leave a comment with questions. I will ship this doll with my and Virsaviya's signature and date we made it and your name on it . They all is very exclusive because painted by my hands and it's takes for me 4-5 hours to create one , plus time and money to find and get all the materials that I need for dolls . I can ship it first class package internationally or all over the USA but it's going to be extra payment for you . Please support me and my wonderful daughter by reposting it and ordering dolls and after you ordered the doll please don't forget to post a picture with it and tag my name on it #jesuswarriors #worship #ifeelblessed #prayerworks #whenyoubelieve #ibelieve #PrayForBathsheba #BathshebaStrong #TeamBathsheba #talented #tv #powertv #socialmedia #teamJesus #lord #God @oprah @theellenshow #oprah #theellenshow

A post shared by@fit_thick_Riri (@dariborun) on

Rodila se u Rusiji i liječnici su odmah upozorili njezinu majku Dari Borun na situaciju, pišu britanski mediji. ‘Doktori su mi rekli da Virsaviya ima zbilja rijedak poremećaj, ali rekli su da neće preživjeti. Kad sam prvi put vidjela kako joj srce kuca, za mene je to bilo nešto posebno. Značilo je da je živa i da može živjeti’, kaže Dari.

Iz Rusije su preselili u Ameriku jer su se nadali da će ondje pronaći nekoga tko će je htjeti operirati, no liječnici su ustvrdili da Virsaviya nije dovoljno snažna za operaciju zbog problema s krvnim tlakom.

Happy New Year to everyone saying to my beautiful God thank you from all my heart for everything He done to me and my #VirsaviyaWarrior in this year and a lot of years before no matter how hard our life is and what we going through from day to day I feel grateful and blessed to be able to smile , to live , to eat , to pray , to go towards our dreams , to have beloved people thank y'all for supporting and praying for me and my daughter. Stay blessed and happy and strong in the next ear by staying grateful , healthy , happy no matter what . By building your families, helping others, follow your dreams God bless y'all #HappyNewYear #staystrong #prayerworks #whenyoubelieve #ibelieve #teamjesus #TeamBathsheba #PrayForBathsheba #BathshebaStrong #jesuswarriors #ifeelblessed #disney #disneykid #disneykids #models #model #miamimodel #miamimodels #kidmodel #kidsmodel #kidsfashion #book #actress #russian #iloverussia #ilovejamaica #iloveusa

A post shared by @fit_thick_Riri (@dariborun) on

It's a gift to have her , she is hard and super bossy even worse then me she is sick most of the times , needs a lot of time attention, patience, love and caring . She is sensitive and sometimes very aggressive with me , it's not easy to get along with her , but I know it's my path to make her better lady, God's warrior , to teach her ,to love her, to be best person for her in everything. To be the great example and inspiration when she is weak and about to give up on this life and people . We both are smiling all the time even if behind the scene we are crying sometimes , just hugging each other in the bed ,wiping each other's tears , thinking about something we would love to have but we can't get it , thinking what if we will never reach out our goals , about how tired we are , about how everything is not easy . Then we just praying to our Jesus and telling Him how grateful we are even when we feel so broken inside, even when we feel so much lonely in this world , but we grateful that we have each other and our God ... But for now it's just a happy picture with a Hollywood sign and our bright eyes and kind hearts @fit_thick_riri #ilovejesus #prayerworks #whenyoubelieve #ibelieve #teamjesus #VirsaviyaWarrior #TeamBathsheba #PrayForBathsheba #BathshebaStrong #jesuswarriors #ifeelblessed

A post shared by @fit_thick_Riri (@dariborun) on

No, obitelj se još uvijek nada da će lijekovima dovoljno stabilizirati tijelo da bi se mogla podvrgnuti operaciji. ‘Ne idem u školu ni na balet, ali želim to sve raditi doma. Srce mi je ovdje, izvan prsa, i sviđa mi se što mi mama uvijek dira srce jer me voli’, kaže Virsaviya.

Virsaviyino srce je veličine šake i od rođenja joj se nalazi van prsnog koša, a kad se oporavi, slijedi joj nekoliko vrlo kompliciranih operacija. Njezin je život dokumentirala majka na Instagramu.

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11. ožujak 2025 06:33