Noćni leptiri izvršili invaziju na finale Eura

Ronaldo prima lječničku pomoć
 Kai Pfaffenbach / REUTERS

Teško je sjetiti se neobičnijeg prizora s nekog velikog sportskog natjecanja od onoga kojem smo svjedočili tijekom i uoči finala Europskog nogometnog prvenstva u Francuskoj u nedjelju.

Naime, stadion Stade de France našao se pod invazijom gotovo pa biblijske količine noćnih leptira. Da, dobro ste pročitali.

U želji da stvore spektakularnu atmosferu u Parizu, organizatori su preko noći ostavili upaljene reflektore te su tim potezom vjerojatno privukli noćne leptire na stadion, piše The Sun.

Nitko nije bio pošteđen najezde leptira. Pokorili su vratnice i mreže, korner zastavice, reklamne panoe pa čak i lice Cristiana Ronalda.

Noćni leptir koji je sletio na Ronaldovo lice ubrzo je postao slavan, a njegov profil na Twitteru prikupio je više od četiri tisuće sljedbenika.

Football Soccer - Portugal v France - EURO 2016 - Final - Stade de France, Saint-Denis near Paris, France - 10/7/16
Moths on a corner flag before the game
REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
Kai Pfaffenbach / REUTERS

Football Soccer - Portugal v France - EURO 2016 - Final - Stade de France, Saint-Denis near Paris, France - 10/7/16
Man cleans moths off the advertising boards before the match
REUTERS/Carl Recine
Carl Recine / REUTERS

Football Soccer - Portugal v France - EURO 2016 - Final - Stade de France, Saint-Denis near Paris, France - 10/7/16
Assistant referee Andre Marriner with moths before the match
REUTERS/Carl Recine
Carl Recine / REUTERS

Football Soccer - Portugal v France - EURO 2016 - Final - Stade de France, Saint-Denis near Paris, France - 10/7/16
France Head Coach Didier Deschamps reacts to moths before the game
REUTERS/Darren Staples
Darren Staples / REUTERS

Football Soccer - Portugal v France - EURO 2016 - Final - Stade de France, Saint-Denis near Paris, France - 10/7/16
Moths surround Pierluigi Collina before the match
REUTERS/Carl Recine
Carl Recine / REUTERS

Football Soccer - Portugal v France - EURO 2016 - Final - Stade de France, Saint-Denis near Paris, France - 10/7/16
Portugal head coach Fernando Santos with moths on his back
REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
Kai Pfaffenbach / REUTERS

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18. listopad 2024 23:20