JUNAK 'IGRE PRIJESTOLJA' OBOLIO OD KORONAVIRUSA Samoizolirao se s obitelji: 'Budite oprezni, učinite sve što možete da se zaustavi širenje ovoga'

Kristofer Hivju
  Kristina Afanasyeva / KCS Presse / Profimedia

Kristofer Hivju (41), koji je u popularnoj TV seriji "Igra prijestolja" utjelovio Tormunda Giantsbanea, pozitivan je na koronavirus, objavio je CNN.

Norveški glumac u ponedjeljak je na Instagramu napisao kako se njegova obitelj i on nalaze u samoizloaciji.

- Dobrog smo zdravlja, ja osobno imam samo blage simptome prehlade... No postoje ljudi za koje bi ovaj virus mogao biti poguban.

Zato pozivam sve vas da budete izuzetno oprezni - perite ruke, držite se na udaljenosti od 1,5 m od drugih, ostanite u karanteni - učinite sve što možete da se zaustavi širenje ovog virusa.

Moramo se zajedno boriti i spriječiti krizu u našim bolnicama. Brinite se jedni o drugima i budite zdravi - poručio je Hivju iz rodne Norveške.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Greetings from Norway! Sorry to say that I, today, have tested positive for COVID19, Corona virus. My familiy and I are self-isolating at home for as long as it takes. We are in good health - I only have mild symptoms of a cold. There are people at higher risk for who this virus might be a devastating diagnosis, so I urge all of you to be extremely careful; wash your hands, keep 1,5 meters distance from others, go in quarantine; just do everything you can to stop the virus from spreading. Together we can fight this virus and avert a crisis at our hospitals. Please take care of each other, keep your distance, and stay healthy! Please visit your country's Center for Disease Control's website, and follow the regulations for staying safe and protecting not just yourselves, but our entire community, and especially those at risk like the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. @grymolvaerhivju #fightcorona #solidarity #takecare #folkehelseinstituttet Thanks to @panoramaagency

Objavu dijeli Kristofer Hivju (@khivju)

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02. rujan 2024 16:46