VIDEO, FOTO: 'NJEMU KARANTENA NIJE PROBLEM' Slavni reper pokazao raskošnu kuću, od milja je zove 'ambasada', ima kvadrata kao 50 prosječnih stanova

 BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia

Kanadski reper Drake za svibanjski broj časopisa Architectural Digest otvorio je vrata svoje megaluksuzne vile u Torontu - fotografije su više nego impresivne, a s obzirom na svu raskoš koju ima na raspolaganju u vlastitome domu, mnogi su s oduševljenjem i opravdanom dozom ljubomore zaključili da glazbenik nikad više niti ne mora izići u vanjski svijet!

- Njemu definitivno nije problem biti u karanteni! - komentirali su fanovi.

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Mega recording artist Drake (@champagnepapi) returned to his hometown of Toronto to once again plant roots there, building a 50,000-square-foot ultra-luxe pleasure dome. The stately manor, as envisioned by Canadian designer @ferrisrafauli, is a marvel of old-world craftsmanship, constructed of limestone, bronze, exotic woods, and other noble materials. “Because I was building it in my hometown, I wanted the structure to stand firm for 100 years. I wanted it to have a monumental scale and feel,” Drake says of his passion project. “It will be one of the things I leave behind, so it had to be timeless and strong,” he adds. Take a look inside our May issue cover story through the link in our profile. Photo by @jasonschmidtstudio; text by @mayer.rus; styled by @colinking; fashion styling by @mellanysanchez

Objavu dijeli Architectural Digest (@archdigest)

Glazbenikova kuća, koju je uređivao dizajner interijera Ferris Rafauli, prostire se na čak 4645 kvadratnih metara, a u njoj se nalaze košarkaški teren NBA veličine, unutarnji bazen, studio za snimanje, pa čak i ormar pun torbica prestižne marke Birkin, koje Drake čuva za svoju buduću suprugu!

- Skupljam te torbe za sve žene s kojima 'završim' u vezi - izjavio je svojedobno Drake.

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“It’s overwhelming high luxury,” says rapper Drake (@champagnepapi) of the Toronto home he has been crafting over the past six years alongside designer @ferrisrafauli. “That message is delivered through the size of the rooms and the materials and details of the floors and the ceilings. I wanted to make sure people can see the work I’ve put in over the years reflected from every vantage point.” Indeed, the scale of the rooms sets the tone for the home experience from the moment one enters the vast entry hall, above, which is clad in solid limestone with beveled inserts of Nero Marquina marble beneath a faceted ceiling of antique mirror framed in bronze, while two sculptures by @kaws flank the doorway. Discover more of the home through the link in our profile. Photo by @jasonschmidtstudio; text by @mayer.rus; styled by @colinking

Objavu dijeli Architectural Digest (@archdigest)

- Želio sam stvoriti dom monumentalnih razmjera. To je jedna od stvari koju ću ostaviti iza sebe, zato sam htio da sve djeluje bezvremenski i snažno. Ovo što vidite, to je čisti luksuz, najbolje od najboljega - pohvalio se 33-godišnjak, koji svome domu čak i tepa - naime, od milja ga zove - "veleposlanstvo" ili "ambasada".

Primjerice, samo njegova spavaća soba zauzima 297 metara kvadratnih!

- Krevet vam omogućuje da lebdite, tuš vam omogućuje da 'pobjegnete' od svega i saberete vlastite misli, a kraj dobrog ormara poželjet ćete razgovarati sami sa sobom dok se odijevate - izjavio je kanadski reper.

A s obzirom na to gdje živi, nije ni čudo što je spot za novi singl "Toosie Slide" u jeku pandemije koronavirusa snimio - kod kuće...

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@archdigest @ferrisrafauli

Objavu dijeli champagnepapi (@champagnepapi)

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08. studeni 2024 10:17