FOTO: 'ŠTO JE OVO, REKLAMA ZA ŠMINKU ILI PORNIĆ?' Kontroverzna američka glumica snimila video koji je aluzijama na seks uzdrmao javnost

 Profimedia, IMP Features

Glumica i model Bella Thorne ima tek 21 godinu, a skandale kojima neprestano šokira javnost već je postalo nemoguće izbrojati. Od golotinje, pijanstava, razuzdanih tuluma, flertovanja s optuženim silovateljem, ljubljenja bivše djevojke vlastita brata..., pa sve do nove kontroverzne reklame koju je nedavno snimila kako bi promovirala vlastitu liniju šminke nazvanu "Thorne By Bella".

Amerikanka se i ovaj put skinula do kraja, a njezin video mnogi su oštro kritizirali jer izgleda kao - pornić.

Osim što je gola u kadi, Bella si tijelo maže šlagom, a na seks aludiraju i imena nekih njezinih kozmetičkih proizvoda - tako je, primjerice, nijansu ruža za usne nazvala "Sexual Chocolate".

Hollywood wildchild Bella Thorne strips off to promote her new make-up range 'Thorne By Bella'.

The stunning actress goes naked, covered in just whipped cream, in adverts for her cosmetics including a lip stick called 'Sexual Chocolate.', Image: 398641123, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Hollywood wildchild Bella Thorne strips off to promote her new make-up range 'Thorne By Bella'.

The stunning actress goes naked, covered in just whipped cream, in adverts for her cosmetics including a lip stick called 'Sexual Chocolate.', Image: 398640991, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Hollywood wildchild Bella Thorne strips off to promote her new make-up range 'Thorne By Bella'.

The stunning actress goes naked, covered in just whipped cream, in adverts for her cosmetics including a lip stick called 'Sexual Chocolate.', Image: 398641214, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Hollywood wildchild Bella Thorne strips off to promote her new make-up range 'Thorne By Bella'.

The stunning actress goes naked, covered in just whipped cream, in adverts for her cosmetics including a lip stick called 'Sexual Chocolate.', Image: 398641218, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Hollywood wildchild Bella Thorne strips off to promote her new make-up range 'Thorne By Bella'.

The stunning actress goes naked, covered in just whipped cream, in adverts for her cosmetics including a lip stick called 'Sexual Chocolate.', Image: 398640994, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

Hollywood wildchild Bella Thorne strips off to promote her new make-up range 'Thorne By Bella'.

The stunning actress goes naked, covered in just whipped cream, in adverts for her cosmetics including a lip stick called 'Sexual Chocolate.', Image: 398641090, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

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14. listopad 2024 03:41