![Vin Diesel i Paloma Jiménez](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2019/2/26/10/2019-02-25T084837Z_31901603_HP1EF2P0OH0HJ_RTRMADP_3_AWARDS-OSCARS-VANITYFAIR.jpg)
Iako se većina razgovora uoči dodjele prestižnih filmskih nagrada Oscar uglavnom svodi na filmove, što je sasvim logično, i eventualno izbor večernjih haljina, ove godine već uhodani scenarij "začinio" je Guillermo Rodriguez (48), koji se proslavio kao "desna ruka" popularnog televizijskog voditelja Jimmyja Kimmela (51) u njegovu showu "Jimmy Kimmel Live!".
Rodriguez je, naime, na crveni tepih u Los Angelesu prošvercao tekilu, koju je vješto skrio u pljoske u obliku mikrofona i ženske torbice.
- Evo, pričaj s mojim prijateljem Mikeom! - rekao je Guillermo, odvrnuo čep i ponudio pićem Charlize Theron (43). Oskarovka je "probila led" bez imalo oklijevanja - nagnula je pljosku i ispila tekilu kao od šale.
Helen Mirren (73) isprva je bila prilično suzdržana, no Rodriguez ju je pridobio davši joj alkohol iz ljepše pljoske - lažne dijamatne torbice.
- Okej, ali svejedno neću to piti pred kamerama - komentirala je Helen, okrenula leđa snimatelju i "cugnula" na brzaka.
- Ovo je bilo dobro! - zaključila je Mirren.
Tekilu su, između ostalih, probali i Viggo Mortensen (60), Allison Janney (59), Chadwick Boseman (41) te Peter Farrelly (62), a odbio ju je samo glumac Richard E. Grant (61) uz objašnjenje kako "pije samo vodu jer je alergičan na alkohol".
![BGUK_1500192 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Jimmy Kimmel's sidekick Guillermo Rodriguez sneaks tequila onto the Oscar red carpet - and gets A-list celebs to drink it! Guillermo got the party started a little early as the stars walked the red carpet - and stopped for an interview with him. But instead of being grilled about their movies or Oscar gowns, the celebs were offered something different - booze hidden in a microphone or a purse. Charlize Theron was the first star to take a swig of tequila after Guillermo handed her a microphone and told her:](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2019/2/27/9/profimedia-0416019040.jpg)
![BGUK_1500192 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Jimmy Kimmel's sidekick Guillermo Rodriguez sneaks tequila onto the Oscar red carpet - and gets A-list celebs to drink it! Guillermo got the party started a little early as the stars walked the red carpet - and stopped for an interview with him. But instead of being grilled about their movies or Oscar gowns, the celebs were offered something different - booze hidden in a microphone or a purse. Charlize Theron was the first star to take a swig of tequila after Guillermo handed her a microphone and told her:](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2019/2/27/9/profimedia-0416019042.jpg)
![BGUK_1500192 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Jimmy Kimmel's sidekick Guillermo Rodriguez sneaks tequila onto the Oscar red carpet - and gets A-list celebs to drink it! Guillermo got the party started a little early as the stars walked the red carpet - and stopped for an interview with him. But instead of being grilled about their movies or Oscar gowns, the celebs were offered something different - booze hidden in a microphone or a purse. Charlize Theron was the first star to take a swig of tequila after Guillermo handed her a microphone and told her:](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2019/2/27/9/profimedia-0416019099.jpg)
![BGUK_1500192 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Jimmy Kimmel's sidekick Guillermo Rodriguez sneaks tequila onto the Oscar red carpet - and gets A-list celebs to drink it! Guillermo got the party started a little early as the stars walked the red carpet - and stopped for an interview with him. But instead of being grilled about their movies or Oscar gowns, the celebs were offered something different - booze hidden in a microphone or a purse. Charlize Theron was the first star to take a swig of tequila after Guillermo handed her a microphone and told her:](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2019/2/27/9/profimedia-0416019102.jpg)
![BGUK_1500192 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Jimmy Kimmel's sidekick Guillermo Rodriguez sneaks tequila onto the Oscar red carpet - and gets A-list celebs to drink it! Guillermo got the party started a little early as the stars walked the red carpet - and stopped for an interview with him. But instead of being grilled about their movies or Oscar gowns, the celebs were offered something different - booze hidden in a microphone or a purse. Charlize Theron was the first star to take a swig of tequila after Guillermo handed her a microphone and told her:](https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/live-multimedia/binary/2019/2/27/9/profimedia-0416019153.jpg)
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