Video: Obitelj šetala plažom, a onda naletjela na čudan prizor u plićaku

Kasnije su medijima rekli kako je to bio jedinstven doživljaj zbog kojeg su veoma sretni


 Nobyline@backgrid/backgrid/backgrid Usa/profimedia

Liza Phillips šetala je plažom u mjestu Sconset, smještenom u američkom Massachusettsu, u petak poslijepodne s obitelji i prijateljima. Trebao je to biti običan dan na plaži, no on se uskoro pretvorio u čaroban dan - onaj u kojem su nekome spasili život.

Ljudi su odmah, naime, vidjeli neobičan prizor. Na plaži je bio nasukani kit koji se sam nije mogao vratiti u duboku vodu, iako je neprestano pokušavao. Velika bijela psina bila je veoma uznemirena i prestrašena, a ljudi su odmah shvatili da joj trebaju pomoći.

Liza i jedan njen prijatelj su zato odmah došli u plićak i počeli gurati morskog psa u dubinu. Radili su to prilično pažljivo, kako ga ne bi ozlijedili, ali kako bi ga ipak uspjeli pomaknuti s mjesta. Životinja je shvatila da joj nastoje pomoći, pa su zajedničkim snagama doveli do toga da se morski pas ‘dočepa‘ dovoljne dubine iz koje je otplivao dalje.

Liza i njena obitelj kasnije su medijima rekli kako je to bio jedinstven doživljaj te da su jako sretni što su mogli pomoći životinji koja je bila u opasnosti.


Liza Phillips was walking along Low Beach in ‘Sconset Friday afternoon with family and friends before they had to catch a flight when they came across an all-timer of a beach find. “I was tossing the football with my dad and he looked down the beach and said ‘oh there’s a beached whale’!” Phillips told the Current. “I grabbed my phone and started sprinting down the beach, and as soon as I got close enough to see it, I said ‘oh my god’.” It was no whale. Phillips had come upon a great white shark that was still alive and floundering in the surf. After the initial shock wore off, Phillips knew they had to try to help it get back into the water. “It was so helpless, we were thinking it was going to get back in itself but it was completely beached,” she said. “We said we have to step up and try to help. Definitely, there was some adrenaline involved. One of our guests took off his shirt to go in and I said I’m going too.” Phillips and her friend Ted Rock got into the water and gave the shark a few pushes and shoves - gingerly and carefully - to get it deeper into the water, and it was eventually able to swim away. Speaking to the Current on Saturday, Phillips said the once-in-a-lifetime experience was something she will never forget. “Touching a great white? That’s not even something you put on a bucket list because it’s just so unbelievable,” she said. Phillips and her family live in California and own a home in ‘Sconset, and she said her father has been coming to the island his whole life. They usually head to the south shore beaches, but on Friday decided to check out Low Beach near their home before their guests left town.

♬ original sound - oldphilosophartaccount
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12. veljača 2025 02:42