AVION PAO NA OBITELJSKU KUĆU Svi putnici mrtvi, pod ruševinama pronašli leševe majke i dvoje djece


U predgrađu Washingtona u ponedjeljak ujutro manji avion srušio se na obiteljsku kuću. Troje putnika iz aviona poginulo je prilikom pada, a pod ruševinama kuće pronađene su još tri mrtve osobe.

Američki mediji javljaju da su u kući poginuli majka i njezino dvoje djece.

Žena iz susjedstva izjavila je prije pronalaska tijela kako je možda čula žrtve kako dozivaju u pomoć.

'Čula sam vrisak, ali nisam sigurna je li dolazio iz kuće ili iza kuće. Nisam sasvim sigurna da su dolazili iznutra, ali sigurna sam da sam čula vriskove.'

Embraer EMB-500/Phenom 100 dvomotorni zrakoplov prilazio je zračnoj luci okruga Montgomery kad je, prema riječima svjedoka, avion počeo gubiti visinu da bi se u jednom trenutku nosom obrušio prema zemlji i eksplodirao prilikom pada.

Ostaci zrakoplova su jako oštetili više kuća u blizini mjesta nesreće.

Zrakoplov je registriran u Chapel Hillu, u Sjevernoj Karolini, piše specijalizirana internetska stranica FlightAware.

WIN MCNAMEE / 2014 Getty Images
GAITHERSBURG, MD - DECEMBER 08: Utility workers and emergency personnel work near the site where a small plane crashed into a residential neighborhood December 8, 2014 in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The three occupants of the plane were killed in the crash, and investigators are searching for three people who are unaccounted for on the ground. Win McNamee/Getty Images/AFP== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==

WIN MCNAMEE / 2014 Getty Images
GAITHERSBURG, MD - DECEMBER 08: An investigator from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) (NTSB) examines wreckage near the site where a small plane crashed into a residential neighborhood December 8, 2014 in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The three occupants of the plane were killed in the crash, and investigators are searching for three people who are unaccounted for on the ground. Win McNamee/Getty Images/AFP== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==

WIN MCNAMEE / 2014 Getty Images
GAITHERSBURG, MD - DECEMBER 08: An investigator from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) examines wreckage near the site where a small plane crashed into a residential neighborhood December 8, 2014 in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The three occupants of the plane were killed in the crash, and investigators are searching for three people who are unaccounted for on the ground. Win McNamee/Getty Images/AFP== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==

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