FOTO: NAJKRVAVIJI NAPAD NAKON PRIMIRJA Potresni prizori: Ispalili granatu na autobus i pobili 11 civila

Bodies (R) are laid out next to a damaged bus hit during shelling apparently aimed at a checkpoint manned by Ukrainian forces in Volnovakha, in the eastern Donetsk region, on January 13, 2015. Eleven Ukrainian civilians were killed and nearly 20 injured when a long-range Grad rocket apparently fired by pro-Russian insurgents hit an intercity bus in the separatist east. Local police said the rocket appeared to have gone astray after being aimed by the gunmen at a checkpoint set up by government soldiers on the main highway connecting the rebel stronghold of Donetsk with Ukraine's southeastern coast on the Sea of Azov. AFP PHOTO/ ALEXANDER GAYUK

DONJECK- Jedanaest civila ubijeno je u utorak u bombardiranju barikade ukrajinske vojske pri čemu je pogođen autobus na proruskom separatističkom istoku, a radi se o najkrvavijem napadu nakon primirja 9. prosinca.

Podaci su porasli tijekom noći s utorka na srijedu na 11 mrtvih jer je jedna žena preminula od ozljeda u bolnici, po regionalnoj upravi Donjecka.

EDS NOTE GRAPHIC CONTENTThis handout picture taken and released by the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) press service on January 13, 2015, shows a body slumped on the floor of a bus after it was hit by the debris of a long-range Grad rocket apparently fired by pro-Russian insurgents in Volnovakha. Ten Ukrainian civilians were killed and nearly 20 injured in the attack. Local police said the rocket appeared to have gone astray after being aimed by the gunmen at a checkpoint set up by government soldiers on the main highway connecting the rebel stronghold of Donetsk with Ukraine's southeastern coast on the Sea of Azov. AFP PHOTO/ HO/ ANTI-TERRORISTS OPERATION (ATO) PRESS SERVICE

Ti se smrtni slučajevi dodaju poginulom ukrajinskom vojniku i trima civilima u Donjecku i regiji, o čijoj je pogibiji javljeno tijekom jutra, dan nakon neuspješnih pregovora u Berlinu oko organiziranja mirovnog summita s ukrajinskim, ruskim, njemačkim i francuskim čelnicima.

This handout picture taken and released by the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) press service on January 13, 2015, shows Ukrainian soldiers unloding the bodies from a damaged bus after it was hit by a long-range Grad rocket apparently fired by pro-Russian insurgents in Volnovakha. Eleven Ukrainian civilians were killed and nearly 20 injured when the rocket apparently fired by pro-Russian insurgents hit an intercity bus in the separatist east. Local police said the rocket appeared to have gone astray after being aimed by the gunmen at a checkpoint set up by government soldiers on the main highway connecting the rebel stronghold of Donetsk with Ukraine's southeastern coast on the Sea of Azov.AFP PHOTO/ HO/ ANTI-TERRORISTS OPERATION (ATO) PRESS SERVICE

Do drame je došlo blizu barikade ukrajinske vojske na strateškoj cesti koja povezuje separatističko uporište Donjeck i Mariupol, na obalama Azovskog mora, zadnji veliki grad na istoku pod nadzorom ukrajinskih vlasti.

The bodies of passengers killed on a bus that was hit during shelling aimed at a checkpoint manned by Ukrainian forces in Volnovakha, in the eastern Donetsk region, are laid out on body bags on January 13, 2015. Eleven Ukrainian civilians were killed and nearly 20 injured when a long-range Grad rocket apparently fired by pro-Russian insurgents hit an intercity bus in the separatist east. Local police said the rocket appeared to have gone astray after being aimed by the gunmen at a checkpoint set up by government soldiers on the main highway connecting the rebel stronghold of Donetsk with Ukraine's southeastern coast on the Sea of Azov. AFP PHOTO/ ALEXANDER GAYUK

Na fotografijama koje je objavila vojska vidi se autobus bez stakala s tijelima žena u unutrašnjosti.

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07. listopad 2024 04:20