FOTO: Nekad najluksuzniji kompleks na Korejskom poluotoku danas je grad duhova, jedno ubojstvo je promijenilo sve!


Luksuzno planinsko odmaralište Mount Kumgang u Sjevernoj Koreji nekada je bilo jedino mjesto u najzatvorenijoj zemlji svijeta u koje su turisti mogli slobodno doći bez da se brinu da će ih domaći špijuni maltretirati, vući za rukav i voditi samo na određena mjesta.

U prekrasan krajolik na samoj granicu dvaju Koreja zaljubili su se i čelnici automobilskog diva Hyundai koji su 1998. godine u luksuzni resort utukli oko 1,4 milijarde dolara.

Od toga su milijardu dolara platili režimu Sjeverne Koreje kako bi u sljedećih 50 godina imali ekskluzivno pravo na korištenje resorta, a za 400 milijuna dolara su izgradili cijeli jedan mali gradić.

KUMGANG.THE NORTH KOREAN GHOST TOWN..The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD....The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008..In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers..So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades..For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area...Photo shows: The main attraction is the supermarket, invested in by a Hong Kong company. Inside, it is surprisingly modern..©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329495665, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

Unutar 520 kvadratnih kilometara na planini sagradili su niz luksuznih hotela, skupih dućana, supermarketa, wellness oaza, igrališta za golf... I u prvih 10 godina projekt se pokazao kao pun pogodak. Gotovo dva milijuna južnokorejskih turista svake godine od 1998. do 2008. su posjećivali Kumgang. Grad je u to vrijeme postao simbolom spajanja dvaju Koreja, budući da je to bilo jedino mjesto koje je razdvojenim obiteljima i prijateljima pružalo priliku za novim susretom.

KUMGANG.THE NORTH KOREAN GHOST TOWN..The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD....The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008..In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers..So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades..For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area...Photo shows:   Haegeumgang floating hotel. The 90 meter floating structure has travelled over 13000 km to arrive in North Korea. Its original location was in the Great Barrier Reef, then it moved to Vietnam and in 2000 Hyundai decided to use it for the Kumgang Tourism Project. 20 millions dollars lost in this hotel..©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329495660, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

I u Sjevernoj Koreji su zadovoljno trljali ruke budući da su 'pljačkali' turiste gdje god su stigli. Između ostalog, naplaćivali su im i upad u državu.

Idila je trajala sve do 2008. godine kada se dogodio incident koji je označio početak kraja Kumganga. Jedna južnokorejska turistkinja ubijena je na licu mjesta od strane sjevernokorejske vojske i Južna Koreja je istoga dana zabranila svojim državljanima da odlaze u Kumgang.

KUMGANG.THE NORTH KOREAN GHOST TOWN..The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD....The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008..In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers..So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades..For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area...Photo shows:    Hyundai paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain....©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329495654, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

Kao razlog za ubojstvo Park Wang-ja, sjevernokorejski režim je istaknuo da je gospođa unatoč brojnim upozorenjima ušla na vojno područje, te da nisu imali izbora nego je ubiti.

Kako se Južna Koreja povukla s tog područja, Kim Jong-il je odlučio iskoristiti priliku. Odmah je okupirao cijeli turistički kompleks, što je u to vrijeme izazvalo bijes Seula.

KUMGANG.THE NORTH KOREAN GHOST TOWN..The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD....The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008..In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers..So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades..For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area...Photo shows:    I ask for the toilets and i’m invited to go at the first floor. I discover a brand new coffee shop, totally abandoned, with design furniture, far from the north korean style. A seller has discreetly followed me and invites me to stop taking pics...©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329495620, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

- Kako smo vidjeli da je Južna Koreja dignula ruke od kompleksa, tako smo mi odlučili zauzeti sve nekretnine njihovih kompanija. Zaposlenici iz Južne Koreje imaju 72 sata da napuste područje - objavljeno je na državnoj televiziji.

Dakle, u samo 72 sata inače živahni kompleks postao je grad duhova. U posljednjih osam godina tamo žive samo radnici koji se brinu da sve ne propadne, a u grad uđe tek pokoji strani turist. Hoteli, wellnessi, supermarketi, bolnica... Sve je zapušteno! Neko vrijeme u grad su znali stizati i pripadnici elite Sj. Koreje, ali u međuvremenu i oni su odustali od boravka u jezivoj tišini.


The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD..

The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008.
In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers.
So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades.
For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area.

Photo shows:  Hyundai even built a fire station in the complex...All the former footprints from the south korea companies have been deleted. In the elevator hotel, the Samsung logo has been hidden by a scotch tape that the time has started to lifted off.
©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329494012, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix
Profimedia, Exclusivepix

Prije četiri godine sa sjevera su najavili da će se Kumgang ponovno otvoriti za turiste, ali u međuvremenu se od te ideje odustalo. A s obzirom kakva je trenutačna situacija na Korejskom poluotoku, teško je za očekivati da će u dogledno vrijeme Kumgang opet postati top turističko odredište u tom dijelu svijeta...


The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD..

The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008.
In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers.
So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades.
For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area.

Photo shows:    It looks like a duty free shop in an airport, with lot of beauty products, confortable sofas, huge plasma TV. But we are in North korea: suddenly a man with an underwear shirt comes out of a backstage door. The Tv plays a war propaganda movie.
©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329493956, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix
Profimedia, Exclusivepix


The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD..

The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008.
In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers.
So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades.
For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area.

Photo shows:   According to my guide, everything is working as usual, even if there are no costumers!.
©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329493558, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix
Profimedia, Exclusivepix


The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD..

The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008.
In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers.
So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades.
For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area.

Photo shows:  A big and dull billboard shows the complex has it should have been if the joint venture deal would have go on...North Korea tries to find new investors but the task is tough.
©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329493445, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix
Profimedia, Exclusivepix


The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD..

The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008.
In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers.
So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades.
For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area.

Photo shows:   The scenery is wonderful, with mountains peaks everywhere, and pines forest. A short stop in Samil Lake shows an incredible scenery with unspoiled water. A perfect place to make canoe or to rest on a long chair. But nothing has been done.
©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329493434, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix
Profimedia, Exclusivepix

KUMGANG.THE NORTH KOREAN GHOST TOWN..The first town USA will find on his way to invade NK will be this ghost town where HUnday lost 1 billion USD....The Mount Kumgang tourist complex in North Korea, near the DMZ, was built in 1998 by the South Korean giant company Hyundai. The chaebol paid a fee of  billion to the North Korean government for 50 years of exclusivity. The cost of the 500-square kilometer complex was 0 million, including hotels, a spa, a fire station, a tourism office, a golf course, a supermarket, a clinic, tours in the mountain... Kumgang resort attracted nearly 2 millions south korean tourists from1998 to 2008..In July 2008 a South Korean tourist, Miss Park Wang-ja, was shot dead there and South Korea decided to stop all the tours in North Korea. The North Korean government said the tourist entered the military zone, and ignored the warnings from the north korean soldiers..So in retaliation, North Korea decided to seize the whole tourist complex. This decision was a real drama. Not for the touristic industry only, but for the separated families from the south and the north: Kumgang was also the place where hundreds of North and South Korean relatives were meeting each other for the first time in decades..For those reasons, since 2008, Mount Kumgang complex has became a ghost town. Only very few western tourists could visit the area...Photo shows:   The kind of beauty products all the north korean women from Pyongyang dream to buy; But only the elite can access to them..©Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media, Image: 329495640, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

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17. studeni 2024 13:43