FOTO Neredi na ulicama Londona: Pobješnjela masa palila aute i razbijala sve pred sobom...

Petstotinjak prosvjednika sukobilo se s policijom u sjevernoj londonskoj četvrti Tottenham. Nerede su pokrenuli zbog smrti 29-godišnjeg Marka Duggana koji je u utorak ubijen u razmjeni vatre s policijom
A shop burns as riot police try to contain a large group of people on a main road in Tottenham, north London on August 6 2011. Two police cars were on Saturday set ablaze in north London following a protest over the fatal shooting of a 29-year-old man in an armed stand-off with officers. The patrol cars were torched as dozens gathered outside the police station on the High Road in Tottenham. AFP PHOTO/LEON NEAL
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08. studeni 2024 22:55