FOTO, VIDEO Mađarska u šoku: U stravičnom sudaru poginulo 14 ljudi, među njima troje djece

Nesreću su preživjeli vozač kamiona i jedan putnik iz mini-busa
Hungarian firefighters work near the wreckage of Romanian minibus after a Romanian truck ran over to the opposite lane and collided head-on with the minibus on a street in Maroslele, Hungary, early Monday, Oct. 31, 2011. Fourteen people travelling in the minibus, three children and four women among them, were killed, one passenger is in critical condition and the driver of the truck was seriously injured in the accident. (AP Photo/MTI, Zoltan Gergely Kelemen)

BUDIMPEŠTA - U prometnoj nesreći na jugu Mađarske poginulo je 14 rumunjskih državljana, među kojima su troje djece i četiri žene, prenose strani mediji.

Sudarili su se rumunjski kamion i rumunjski minibus na autocesti pokraj Szegeda. Do nesreće je došlo kada je kamion pun tereta probio zaštitnu barijeru, prešao na suprotnu stranu i sudario se s minibusom u kojem se nalazilo 15 osoba. Oba su vozila nakon sudara završila u jarku pokraj ceste.

REMOVES REFERENCE TO SPEEDWAY Hungarian fire fighters use a crane to remove the wreckage of a Romanian minibus after a Romanian truck ran over to the opposite lane and collided head-on with the minibus on a street in Maroslele, Hungary, early Monday, Oct. 31, 2011. Fourteen people travelling in the minibus, three children and four women among them, were killed, one passenger is in critical condition and the driver of the truck was seriously injured in the accident. (AP Photo/MTI, Zoltan Gergely Kelemen)

Na licu mjesta poginulo je 14 ljudi.

Nesreću su preživjeli vozač kamiona i jedan putnik iz mini-busa, ali su zadobili teške ozlijede i prevezeni su u bolnicu u Segedinu.

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06. listopad 2024 19:23