FOTO: ŽIVOTNI PAD BIVŠE PJEVAČICE, DIZAJNERICE, STARLETE, DIPLOMATKINJE... Glamurozna kći mrtvog diktatora po kratkom postupku strpana u - ludnicu!


Nekad glamurozna kći preminulog uzbečkog diktatora Islama Karimova trenutačno trune u - psihijatrijskoj ustanovi! Gulnara Karimova (44) dvije godine bila je zatočena u kućnom pritvoru, ali nakon smrti njezina oca prije mjesec dana, situacija ove bivše svjetske posvuduše naglo se promijenila.

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 24:  H.E.Dr.Gulnara Karimova Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of Fund Forum and  a guest attend the Underground Youth Fashion Show during Style.Uz Art Week 2011 at Youth Creativity Place on October 24, 2011 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images)
Yves Forestier / Getty Images
Gulnara Karimova 2011.

Nasljednik Karimova, Šavkat Mirzijajev (59) strpao ju je u ludnicu. Istina, vijest nije provjerena, iz Uzbekistana takve informacije cure na kapaljku, ali da se nešto događa potvrđuje status Facebook grupe pod imenom 'Zdravlje za Karimova'.

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 16:  Gulnara Karimova attends the Diamonds Are Girls Best Friend event during the 64th Annual Cannes Film Festival held at Nikki Beach on May 16, 2011 in Cannes, France.  (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images)
Getty Images

- Iz pouzdanih izvora saznajemo da je Gulnara premještena u bolnicu za psihičke bolesnike. Poslije nam je tu vijest potvrdio visoki dužnosnik vlade.

Razlog zašto je Mirzijajev strpao Gulnaru u ludnicu je vrlo jednostavan i logičan - eliminacija potencijalnih rivala. Iako je jako upitno koliko bi lijepa Karimova mogla zaprijetiti Mirzijajevu. Ona je prije nekoliko godina bila etiketirana kao sigurna nasljednica diktatora koji je, prema nekim informacijama, svoje političke rivale znao i - kuhati. Islam nije imao milosti ni prema svojoj kćeri. Zbog korupcije, ali i golišavih fotografija, otac ju je zatočio. Nitko je nije vidio još od kolovoza 2014. godine....

Designer Gulnara Karimova (L), daughter of Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov, stands with a model after presenting her Guli Collection at China Fashion Week in Beijing October 30, 2012. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: FASHION POLITICS) - RTR39RUL

Gulnara Karimova (C), daughter of Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov, takes a video with an Ipad as her father dances during an Independence Day celebration in Tashkent August 31, 2012. Uzbekistan is marking the 21st anniversary of independence.  REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov  (UZBEKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS ANNIVERSARY) - RTR37CHS

Inače, prije te 2014. Karimova je živjela život kakav mnogi sanjaju. Na vrhuncu karijere bila je pjevačica, manekenka, starleta, diplomatkinja, a uz sve to imala je diplomu s Harvarda. Sebe je opisivala kao 'egzotičnu ljepoticu', a drugi su je zvali 'uzbečkom princezom'.

Njezin pad počeo je još 2013. godine kada su procurile golišave Gulnarine fotografije. Na njima je nosila samo perje pauna... Stari Islam, kada je to vidio, potpuno je izgubio živce. Navodno joj je opalio šamarčinu pred cijelom uzbečkom svitom. Nakon toga uslijedile su optužbe za korupciju i to je zapravo značilo kraj nadanja da će Princeza postati predsjednica...

Gulnara Karimova (C), daughter of Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov attends an Independence Day celebration in Tashkent August 31, 2012. Uzbekistan is marking the 21st anniversary of independence.  REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov  (UZBEKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS ANNIVERSARY) - RTR37CHO

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 27:  Gulnara Karimova chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Fund Forum applauds Russian Singer Valeria after her performance at Istiqlol Palace on October 27, 2013 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week 2013)

Bivši britanski veleposlanik Craig Murray najbolje je opisao kakva je osoba Karimova.

- Bogatija, puno pametnija i vjerojatno seksepilnija od Paris Hilton. U jednom paketu dobijete baš sve!

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 26:  H.E. Dr Gulnara Karimova, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Fund Forum surrounded by participants attend the Live Show 'Kings of the Stage' by young professionals of The Lion King Music and Theater Studio as part of Art Style UZ 2013 at Istiqlol Palace on October 26, 2013 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week 2013)

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 25:  H.E. Dr Gulnara Karimova, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Fund Forum attends the National Dress Festival during Art Week UZ 2013 at Centre of National Arts on October 25, 2013 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week 2013)

Iako je u svijetu bila poznatija od oca Islama, Gulnaru su u svojoj vlastitoj zemlji - mrzili!

- Ona je pohlepna i užasno ambiciozna žena. Uz pomoć svog oca uništava sve one koji joj stanu na put - stoji u jednom diplomatskom izvještaju koji je procurio na Wikileaksu.

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 26:  H.E. Dr Gulnara Karimova, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Fund Forum with participants attend the musical 'The Lion King' Closing Ceremony of International Festival 'Theatre.Uz'during Style.Uz Art Week 2013 at Turkiston Palace on October 26, 2013 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week 2013)

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 24:  H.E.Dr. Gulnara Karimova Chairwoman of the Fund Forum Board of Trustees (C) attends a press conference with other particpants during Style.Uz Art Week 2013 at Fund Forum Conference Room on October 24, 2013 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week 2013)

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 22:  H.E.Dr. Gulnara Karimova Chairwoman of the Fund Forum Board of Trustees attends a press conference during Style.Uz Art Week at The Youth Art Palace on October 22, 2013 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week 2013)

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 08:  H.E.Dr Gulnara Karimova, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Fund Forum attends the reception where Designer Guli presents her new collection at Ichan-Qala Hotel on October 8, 2012 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week)
Getty Images

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 06:  Dr. Gulnara Karimova, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees, attends a charitable gala dinner in support of women living with breast cancer during Style.Uz Art Week 2012 on October 6, 2012 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week)

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN - OCTOBER 06:  H.E.Dr.Gulnara Karimova Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Fund Forum attendsthe Underground Youth Fashion Show during Style.Uz Art Week 2012 at  The Youth Art Palace on October 6, 2012 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  (Photo by Yves Forestier/Getty Images for Style.Uz Art Week)

PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 02:  Gulnara Karimova (C) and Ava Kyam (R) attend the Christian Dior Haute-Couture show as part of Paris Fashion Week Fall / Winter 2013 on July 2, 2012 in Paris, France.  (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images)
Getty Images

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20. prosinac 2024 23:28